Post Script 2: The State of Simon
Simon of Space has been picked up for publication by the nice people at Ephemera Bound. As a consequence, the first edition of the book self-published by me is no longer available for sale. A heartfelt thanks goes out to everyone who troubled to buy a copy. You sweet people are keeping me out of debtors' prison.
The text on this weblog has won a stay of execution, and will remain on-line and freely available for the time being. (You are safe, do not panic.)
As requested, I have set up a discussion board for announcements about the progress of the hardcover second edition, criticism and speculation, fanfic and inspired artwork, and general chit-chat. It's a bit experimental right now -- a bit bare bones. User registration isn't yet automated, for example. If things go well I'll upgrade to the commercial version of the discussion board software, which has niftier features.
Don't forget to check out Simon of Space: The Merchandise. You know it never really happened unless you have a T-shirt about it. Or at least a mug. (And who knows? In a few years you might be able to eBay it for a dirty sum. Keep your fingers crossed, friends.)
This post concludes the Simon of Space weblog.
Thank you, and good night.
[ Curtsy & Exit ]